During the holiday last week, i went to a LEO camp on sunday and ends on tuesday..so tuesday we are suppose to go to kk and then back to sdk...so i told my family to stay 2 nites in kk..and when my parents were on their way to kk, it was like almost 8 in the mornin...they were involved in an accident..thre was a car in front full of ppl and my car only have my sis, dad and mum..so thre was a corner and the kelisa coming ahead was fast..so it hit the can in front, turn a few times and hit the back of the kelisa hit the bumper of my father's car..the ppl in the van was injured and a child's head was bleeding but the kelisa fella had no scratches n stuff..damn..but this car was like junk...see this

damn bloody car..back of car

front of the car

from the side


so thanks to these gods.i took this pic for fun a few days b4 i leave for fun..and look at the bumper..just some dent...

but its ok la..at least everyone is save...and then when i saw the car i was quite surprised..damn realy lucky nothing serious is done to the car and ppl...if the radiator rosak...then no need to stay in kk la..back to sdk..so all u drivers out thre drive carefully...esp in the curvy and mountainy roads..love and live ur life.eh.eh.eh...see ya all!!